Grace on Pace

Learning the Ropes

Frustrated with MAMUCA, we went out for lunch to a local buffet restaurant here in La Ceiba. I couldn’t pass up the cow tongue, but everyone else found the will.

Our 10 Favorite Travel Blogs

Subscribers often ask us what blogs we enjoy reading. The web is full of inspiration to travel better and satiate our wanderlust, but it can be difficult to wade through sponsored content and find the gems.  Cutting right to the chase, below...

Tourism vs. Traveling in Honduras

Sunday January 14 – We all woke up around 6:30 Am, excited about getting back to the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Cuero y Salado, to meet are boat.  The night before had been spent researching jaguars, howler monkeys, white face monkeys...

Balkans, Peloponnese, and Dodecanese Oh My

Itinerary Hedonism, Yugo’s, and Sultans Three Weeks (August 25th – September 14th, 2010) Beginning with an international flight to Athens, we spent a couple of days exploring the ancient Acropolis and museums, before grabbing a rental...